I did not blog this week. Mostly because I was busy.
I was busy doing more damage to my already sad and damaged car.
I was busy buying a new car.
I was busy feeling like an official "grown up" in my new car. Wow, my first real car that wasn't a hand me down from my family (not that I didn't appreciate those cars. I did, they just weren't "mine"). This car is DANG nice and I can't believe it is my car.
I was busy riding my bike on a bike path that, for the past 10+ years, I have wanted to ride.
I was busy seeing a bald eagle on that bike ride.
I am always kept busy trying to keep Lucy Dog off the couch.
now you got 2 dang cars parked in the middle of the dang road?!
but she looks soooooo innocent! she won't cause annnny trouble-really!
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