Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Birthday BAR

Date: Saturday May 19, 2007
What: The Ward 150
Why: to celebrate my sister, Heidi's, 25th birthday.
Where: Ward, Colorado

Starting time: 6:30 AM
Ending time: 2:45 PM
Ending location: coffee shop- Lyons, Colorado.

Ride time: 7 hours 10 min
Kilometers ridden: 196
KJ's burned: 4081

Rain: Yes
Thunder: Yes
Lightning: Yes

People who are also psycho: Heidi (the birthday girl), Mike, Brain, Heidi G., Josh, Mo, Mom, Dad, nice lady who gave me a strawberry gel, organizer man who provided the great ride and a
bag of blocks, and other's who were eventually dropped by Josh and I. :)
BAR, if you haven't noticed, stands for Big Ass Ride.

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